Evaluating a Harvest Plan

Harvest plans are entered in csv file that has one row for each year with the year number followed by the cells harvested at the beginning of that year. The --HarvestedCells option gives the name

Band first year:

This is very articial harvest plan to illustrate how the inputs work. For the first have take the year number and cell numbers as 1,20,60,100,140..,1580. The second year we plan to harvest a cell next to the cell harvest the previous year (alternating sides), so the input for the second year is 2, 19,61,99,141 …

Input Command:

python main.py --input-instance-folder ../data/Harvest40x40/ --output-folder ../Harvest40x40 --ignitions --sim-years 2 --nsims 1 --grids --finalGrid --weather rows --nweathers 1 --Fire-Period-Length 1.0 --output-messages --ROS-CV 0.0 --seed 123 --stats --allPlots --IgnitionRad 1 --grids --combine --HarvestedCells ../data/Harvest40x40/band1_2.csv


Once we run the program we create a series of outputs in the Harvest40x40 folder. The Harvest40x40 folder will have the output in the form of Grids, Plots and Stats.

As we have harvested enough cells the fire does not propogate. We have strategically harvested cells in a staight line starting from cell 20,60,100..1580. This results in stopping fire spread even though there is more forest cover which would be burned if we did not stop its propogation via harvesting. So there should be some

cells harvested in the second year.



In the next command we allow variation in the rate of spread by giving it a CV of 0.8 so we run 5 simulations to get statistics (which won’t vary much).

python main.py --input-instance-folder ../data/Harvest40x40/ --output-folder ../Harvest40x40 --ignitions --sim-years 2 --nsims 5 --finalGrid --weather rows --nweathers 1 --Fire-Period-Length 1.0 --output-messages --ROS-CV 0.8 --seed 123 --stats --allPlots --IgnitionRad 1 --grids --combine --HarvestedCells ../data/Harvest40x40/band1_2.csv

Random Ignitions

In the next command, we add uniform random ignitions (but dropping the --ignitions option).

python main.py --input-instance-folder ../data/Harvest40x40/ --output-folder ../Harvest40x40 --sim-years 2 --nsims 5 --grids --finalGrid --weather rows --nweathers 1 --Fire-Period-Length 1.0 --output-messages --ROS-CV 0.8 --seed 123 --stats --allPlots --IgnitionRad 1 --combine --HarvestedCells ../data/Harvest40x40/band1_2.csv

Random Weather

Random weather is supported by providing multiple weather files in the Weathers sub-directory of the input directory. Each weather file has the name WeatherX.csv, where is X is replaced by an integer. There should be one file per integer (0..–nweathers) and use --weather random to trigger randomly selecting one for each run (note whether random ignitions is on or off).

python main.py --input-instance-folder ../data/Harvest40x40/ --output-folder ../Harvest40x40 --ignitions --sim-years 2 --nsims 5 --grids --finalGrid --weather random --nweathers 200 --Fire-Period-Length 1.0 --output-messages --ROS-CV 0.8 --seed 123 --stats --allPlots --IgnitionRad 1 --combine --HarvestedCells ../data/Harvest40x40/band1_2.csv

The value of --nweathers should be less than or equal to the number of the weather files in the Weathers subdirectory.